The Indigenous Film Festival is coming to Kuching, Malaysia as a part of Rainforest Fringe Festival (RFF) 2019.

About the Indigenous Film Festival

Indigenous Film Festival has been held since the year 2015, initiated from the grassroots level in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indigenous Film Festival has evolved from a local event to an international event since last year, 2018. International Indigenous Film Festival has been held annually in Bali, then Bhubaneswar in India, Kuching as part of RFF2019 and Kalimantan coming soon this August as KIFF2019.

“Stories That Matter”

With the theme of “stories that matter”, the purpose of this event is to become a platform for regional and international indigenous filmmakers to showcase their work, to form collaboration and networks, and to be able to reach out to a wider audience. All of the submitted films bring voices of the indigenous that is often unheard to the mainstream world - that is why, the theme is “stories that matter”. Indigenous Film Festival is a platform for the “stories that matter” to be told, to inspire, to raise awareness.

The Indigenous Film Festival will be showcasing indigenous films from all around the world including When Women Fight, Pt 2 [Indonesia], Corroboree [Australia], Kayan: Beyond the Ring [Thailand] and Dibi Durga [India], among many others.

Kuching International Indigenous Film Festival

For 6 days on RFF2019, there will be indigenous film screenings curated by Emmanuela Shinta and David Metcalf, a workshop for young filmmakers, dialogues with prominent indigenous filmmakers and networking sessions.

For more information on schedule & tickets, visit the website of Rainforest Fringe Festival, here.