TALEKOI- The sound of a motorcycle and the splash of water from a muddy road accompanied our journey as we entered our forest ecology center with Talekoi Forest Ranger. On 18-20 November, we were back to the village and spent a few days there. In this journey, we aimed to monitor the growth of the ironwood trees and native Kalimantan trees.
Some Dayak communities regard Tabelien, a Dayak Ngaju word for ironwood trees, as a spiritual protector that can protect their Indigenous territory from wild animals and evil spirits. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified it as a vulnerable species. However, the tree was removed from Indonesia's list of protected trees in 2018. Not only Tabelien, but many native Kalimantan tree species are also under threat in their natural habitat because of the expansion of the extractive industry. This is why we are establishing an ecology center in Talekoi forest to protect and conserve the Tabelien and other native Kalimantan tree species.
Yuel and Ulin tree that has growth well in our conservation area.
Together with Talekoi children, two months ago we planted 21 seedlings of Tabalien trees and 85 seedlings of Jelutung (Dyera costulata), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), Meranti (Shorea, sp), Cempedak (Artocarpus integer), and Balengiran (Shorea balangeran) in August and September. All the trees have a deep, meaningful value associated with their ability to provide water, food, wood, and traditional medicine.
Now, two of the children that helped us plant the tree, Ardi and Yuel, are now our forest rangers, in charge of monitoring and protecting our ecology center.
"I am happy to see the ironwood that we planted a couple of months ago is now as tall as I am", said Yuel.
This success does not happen overnight or in a matter of months. Over the last two years, we've done a lot of trial and error to be able to plant ironwood trees. Because the site was too hot, the first tree we planted last year died. However, after learning from that failure, we developed a strategy for planting ironwood and native Kalimantan trees. The area where we currently planted the trees were deep in the forest but we chose the spot with enough sunlight and less grass or other plants. It turned out a success. The trees grow well and it really makes us happy.
We will plant more and more Native Kalimantan trees, which is the heart of the land. (Su)
Ulin tree grow well when planted in the area that is only exposed to around 40% of sunlight.