Thanks to you, last year we have successfully bought six hectares (60,000-meter square) peat forest in Tangkiling, Palangkaraya. That was the very first action done to concretely save the remain forest in Kalimantan. Currently that area is established to be an ecology center for the Youth Act movement.

Our next target is to secure some land in the South Barito regency. This area, Talekoi Forest, is located on the side of the company's road and the owners of the properties consider selling it to mining companies as a stockpile area. The company offers around 7,000 USD for one hectare of the land. They seem to proceed with it by the end of this year.

Somehow, we want to protect the forests as it is the habitat of protected and critically endangered biodiversity such as Nepenthes khasiana,Eurycoma longifolia Jack and Aquilaria malaccensis (agarwood). There is also traces of Orang Utan.

Local name : Pohon Gaharu

Latin name : Aquilaria malaccensis (agarwood)

Status          : Critically Endangered

Benefit        : For ritual, perfume ingredient, medicine 

Local name : Kantong Semar

Latin name : Nepenthes khasiana

Status  : Endangered

Benefit :  Medicine (for cough and hair nourishment) 


We want to make it as a conservation area, since the village where we have tree nursery center program is nearby. 

 The first property that we want to secure is a lot consisting of 4 hectares (40,000 m2). I managed to convince the owner to not sell her land to the company, but to us instead with a cheaper price, around 1,500 USD/hectare (not including administration cost). If we succeed in purchasing this property and making it a conservation for Borneo native trees, this will be a great example for other owners and hopefully they will cancel their plan to sell the land to the mining company.


The target is to raise 6,000$ by the end of August. Every 15$ will save 100-meter square of the forest. Please donate now.

Thank you for your generous support and contribution to save Talekoi Forests!

It’s not too late!

Make a gift today and be the hero for this planet!

- Emmanuela Shinta -

