Pak Udin, a senior fellow, was coming from South Kalimantan by riding his motorbike for 3 hours each morning to reach the venue on time during our two days training. He was showing a photo taken by his cell phone to explain the wide shot. Besides Pak Udin, other trainees also came from villages and districts which were 2-3 hours driving from Tamiang Layang.
Peat swamp forests in Kalimantan provide a wide range of benefits for humankind and other creatures. It is home to many unique plants and animals that can be only found in Kalimantan. Forests also provide social and economic benefits to the community, especially for the Indigenous People, Dayak People. Many villagers can source rattan, wood, herbs, resin, fish and fruits from the forest. But unfortunately, due to annual forest fires, we have lost thousands of hectares of our peat swamp forests. For this reason, Youth Act planted 500 trees to help with the renewal of a burned peat area.
We are determined to do more training in the heart of Kalimantan and reach young people who are still very connected to the forest and their cultural identity. This year, our target is to train up to 50 young people. Besides filming, audio editing & and storytelling skill, we also add some new materials which are Digital Literacy & Art for Social Impact.
Menilik kesuksesan Festival Film Masyarakat Adat Kalimantan tahun ini, kami tidak sabar menantikan festival tahun depan untuk kembali diadakan pada tanggal 9-11 Agustus 2019 di Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah. Oleh karena itu, kami mengajak semua kalangan khususnya para filmmaker Dayak untuk kembali mengirimkan karyanya!
INDIGENOUS LEAD which was held on 29 August - 1 September 2018 was such a historic moment for us. Why should we be proud of this celebration? Here are five recaps which are also the reasons.
Check the schedule of Kalimantan Indigenous Film Festival 29-30 Agustus here!
Early Bird (Before 20 August) No more available
Di tengah-tengah berbagai persoalan kemanusiaan dan kerusakan lingkungan di Kalimantan, kebanggaan akan identitas budayalah yang memberikan kekuatan untuk kita tidak menjadi pasrah melainkan bangkit dan maju.
Halo kawan-kawan yang ada di kota Palangka Raya dan kota-kota lain di Kalimantan!
Kami mengajak kalian semua turut berpartisipasi sebagai volunteers untuk acara Perayaan Hari Masyarakat Adat 2018 bertajuk INDIGENOUS LEAD: Bringing Forth the Ancient Sound, Embracing the Heritage, yang akan diadakan di Palangka Raya, tanggal 22-25 Agustus mendatang. Acara ini sendiri merupakan kolaborasi dari berbagai komunitas akar rumput dan organisasi-organisasi di Kalimantan yang bertujuan untuk merayakan identitas kita sebagai masyarakat adat Dayak.