PALANGKARAYA- On July 17th 2021, for the first time since being launched in 2016 at the corner of a small café in Palangkaraya, Youth Act held an annual consultation with 20 young people participated as the representatives of their regencies and provinces.  The consultation ran for 4 hours. The agenda was to build connection, choose the members of governance and focal persons in regency level and also draft the follow up action for another year. 

The meeting started with introductions and sharing. Every representative shared about environmental and social problem in their area and community. 

Efna, a focal person for East Barito, Central Kalimantan shared, "A few years ago, my friends and I planned to vacation in a village in East Barito. However, on our way, somehow, my friend took the wrong path, and we ended up in a former coal mine area. At first, we were mesmerized by the bluish-green lakes that look very beautiful from the car window. But over time, the sight gave me goosebumps. There were so many neglected mine pits. When we stopped to ask about the route to our destination, the people we met also seemed hopeless about the condition, which they said had an enormous impact on the village community.”

There was also Desy from South Kalimantan who unfolded many facts about the flash floods due to the massive deforestation in the Meratus Mountains area early this year. Meratus mountains is a big water reservoir that divides South Kalimantan province into two almost equal parts. Many people do not know about the condition of the forests in Mount Meratus that are experiencing deforestation. The national mass media also only reported that the big flood only occurred because of the high rainfall. 

Therefore, this 4-hour consultation was carried out; identify problems in each region in Kalimantan, develop strategies so that voices from the field can be heard by a wider audience, and strengthen the Youth Act movement by establishing a new government. 

Through this meeting, we voted ten focal people who will coordinate campaigns to raise awareness about the environmental issues that their community face. They also will have a responsibility to lead a relief effort if any disaster happens in their area. Furthermore, three new coordinators of Youth Act Kalimantan were also selected. They will serve as the overall coordinator of the Youth Act that runs all the programs and events. 

Here are the lists of new governance of YOUTH ACT KALIMANTAN:

Board Advisors:Emmanuela Shinta, Roro Garini, Sumarni Laman

Board Coordinators:Muhammad Taufik, Desy Alvina, Khoirunissa

Regional Focal persons:

Windi Dwi Safitri (Murung Raya, Central Kalimantan)

Muhammad Andi (Katingan, Central Kalimantan)

Anisya Rachmawati (Kotim, Central Kalimantan)

Efna Leluni (East Barito, Central Kalimantan)

Ardi Pratama (South Barito, Central Kalimantan)

Almizan Putra (Bengkayang, West Kalimantan)

Markus Suntoro (Landak, West Kalimantan)

Muhammad Rizky (Barabai, South Kalimantan)

Fitriyani Sinaga (Berau, East Kalimantan)

Teen Coordinator:Carolina Eviva

Administrasi & logistic:Monica Savira

Educators & Spokesperson:Gusti Ramadhan, Ayu, Rico Irwanto, 


We hope with a new spirit of the new governance of the Youth Act Kalimantan we can make a positive change in our homeland, Kalimantan.
