
PALANGKARAYA – On May 22nd 2021, Ranu Welum conducted a webinar entitled “Discussing Environmental Issues in Kalimantan through Youth Perspective.” This webinar was set up as part of our leadership program, which aimed to equip the Kalimantan Green Warriors community to understand more about the issues. 

There were two topics discussed during the webinar; first was about forest fires and peat ecosystem; second was decolonizing climate justice. Sumarni Laman, the coordinator of Youth Act Kalimantan delivered a detailed presentation on the peatland ecosystem and how it was damaged, including the history of mega rice project in 1997 during Soeharto’s regime. Su also explained about the danger of particulate matter 2,5 contained by the smoke produced from forest fires. 


Next, Emmanuela Shinta brought a discussion on the role of indigenous communities in the process of decision making and partnership with various stakeholders. Three things that we can do to decolonize climate justice according to what Emmanuela described;1) Involving the indigenous people in the process of decision making especially in land management matter; 2). Giving space and room for indigenous communities as they are the subject and main stakeholder in the restoration efforts or green programs; 3) Supporting the indigenous initiative that come up from the ground since the IP are at the frontline of environmental battle.

Topic about the extractive industries especially palm oil plantation and how it affected the livelihood of local people was also brought in the discussion. In the end of discussion, Emmanuela shared the list of products from www.palmoilinvestigation.orgso the participants can understand and be more aware about their consumption. 


You can watch the video here.

